e-Way Bill system is now integrated with FasTag and RFID to track real-time movement of commercial vehicles


e-Way Bill system is successfully integrated with FasTag and RFID, and details of commercial vehicle movements through the state and national highway tolls are received into e-Waybill system on a near real time basis. On an average 25 Lakh goods vehicle movements from more than 800 tolls are reported on a daily basis to the e-Way Bill system. It also includes live RFID data sent by 20+ border check posts of Maharashtra state.

Based on the RFID information received, the following reports are made available in the MIS System and also on the Officer’s mobile App.

1. Live Vigilance: This report can be used by the Vigilance officers to know the vehicles that have passed the selected tolls without e-Way Bills in the past few minutes. Also, the vehicles carrying critical commodities specific to the state and have passed the selected toll can be viewed. Any suspicious vehicles and vehicles of EWBs generated by suspicious taxpayer GSTINs, that have passed the selected toll on a near real time basis, can also be viewed in this report.

2. RFID related report for e-Way Bill: This report can be used to know the tolls that have passed by the vehicles of a given e-Way bill number. The details are also shown on the google map for better conception. This will help in analyzing the vehicle movement and identifying the deviations in the origin and destination places from that reported in the e-waybill. Also, no vehicle movement can help in identifying bill trading.

3. RFID related report for Vehicle: This report can be used to know the last tolls that have been passed by any vehicle.

4. RFID related report for Vehicle between two dates: This report can be used to know the tolls that have passed by any vehicle between any two dates.

The officers can make best use of these reports while conducting vigilance and make the vigilance activity more effective. Also, the officers of audit and enforcement wing can use these reports to identify the fraudulent transactions like bill trading , recycling of EWBs etc. 

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